The black vulture (in Portuguese, urubu-da-cabeça-preta) majestically stands on the top of the food chain
in the Atlantic Forest Biome (Bioma Mata Atlântica).
This senescent Araucaria angustifolia is a most preferred perch for the black vultures around.
This other guy prefers a lower perch, and seems to like being photographed.
Coragyps is from the Greek korax, meaning "raven", gyps for "vulture". |
And atratus comes from Latin for "clothed in black". |
There are three subespecies of this vulture.
This one here, of course, belongs to the subespecies "brasiliensis".
According to Pete Dunne's Birds of prey, they can reach 0,70 m in height, 1.60 m in wingspan. |
Form and function are perfectly matched in the naked head and the hooked beak. |
This bunch of vultures gathered around a prey. |
It happened to be an unhappy armadillo.
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